Att. Necip Fazıl ERBEYİN Attorney, LLM, PhDc

After being ranked 55th on the nationwide University Entrance Examinations among approximately 1.7 million students in 2011, Att. Necip Fazıl Erbeyin admitted to Koç University College of Law as full merit scholarship recipient. He successfully graduated from Koç University in 2016 and recevied bachelor's degree. Then, he successfully completed his master's degree on International Commercial Law in United Kingdom with the dissertation titled "Corporate Governance in Global and Turkish Perspective". He practied law in England and in Holland for 2 months after graduation prior to returning to Turkey in 2017. He duly completed his internship and practiced law for 4 years in Hergüner Bilgen Özeke Law Firm in Istanbul. In 2019, he successfully admitted to the PhD programme on Private Law before Galatasaray University. He duly completed his doctorate degree courses and successfully passed qualification exam. At present, he continues his dissertation studies on International Arbitration. Moreover, he is an expert in the fields of labor law, law of obligations and actuarial calculations. As of October 2021, he joined Erbeyin Law Firm and continues his professional and academic work thereby.